We perform house blessings and space clearing to release accumulated stresses and imbalances that can develop into subtle, but uncomfortable, energy.
Do you feel in harmony with your home, or is there a subtle discomfort? Need a clearing, blessing or energy assessment before you move in or out of a home?
If your home could talk, what would it be trying to tell you? What is it's story? We are fortunate to live in a time where science, spirituality and quantum physics are in agreement, that there's a lot going on in the space between us. We identify, interpret, assess and reset the energy, space, and flow of your home, or work place, to best support and nurture you.
Do you want to remove negative energy from your home? You've come to the right place. Maine House Whisperers offers home energy assessment, clearing, and attunement services.
The techniques include cleansing, feng shui, geomancy, sacred geometry and much more. Various meters, instruments, tools and incenses are used. Services are commonly used for:
Cultural ceremony or rituals: (Blessings, rice and water bowls, etc)
Spiritual energy assessments
To discover why people experience unsettling feelings in their home and what to do about it.
Improve, or renew the energy and atmosphere in their home.
Assess the air and/or electromagnetic, esoteric and/or past energy
Clearing, balancing, and resetting the space and energy.
We can help you discover the heart of your home, understand the energy and adjust, clear balance and attune your living space for a more peaceful and harmonious home. Call 207-478-7504 today to schedule a spiritual home cleansing.
Your home is more than just a space where you spend time after work. It's where you recharge after a long day, center your spiritual growth and create beautiful memories with friends and family.
If you're concerned with your home's spiritual energy, turn to Maine House Whisperers. We provide:
Home cleansings
Spiritual energy assessments
Spiritual feng shui services
Home blessing rituals
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.